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Paseo Project Artist in Residence Fellowship Proposal


Our Paseo Fellowship proposal includes working with a small group of parents with 3rd grade children attending Arroyos Del Norte in Des Montes. We will use this project to continue a program we have been participating in since 2023, Northwest Earth & Space Sciences Pathway with our kids, exploring the science of space. 

We propose 3 light tables, live-projecting a multi-channel microscope, camera, and telescope images of plants, local faces and stars in real time, mirroring these images as part of connected patterns of the universe with audience participation.

Our team includes myself, Alejandra Gomez, The Arroyos Del Norte elementary school art teacher, Bryan Chaves, a mechanical engineer and member of the Taos astronomy club, and Karon Klipple, a mathematics instructor at UNM Taos, and our kids.


This is our team in Flagstaff, AZ presenting our Space Travel project at the Artemis Roads Stem Project